It's All Happening Podcast

IAH – Episode 66 – Jason Louv (with Ram Dass too!)

What can we say after what we just witnessed this past week? Few of us have any answers – only outrage. Few of us have any composure – only rage. Few of us have any solutions – only confusion. In the face of such an unexpected landslide where hate and ignorance won knowing what to do next is so hard. Ram Dass beamed into the podcast this week to spread some love, compassion and understanding about what happened. That is followed by Jason Louv who takes us through a history of the alt-right and how we got to this point in our culture. It’s a wonderful history lesson that we should all understand and take part in. Jason is an elegant and brilliant mind who can make sense of some of the most fringe aspects of life.

INTRO RANT – confusion on this Veterans Day and remembering what they fought for.

Jason Louv is: “One of humanity’s best mutant scouts on the frontiers of human experience.” – R. U. Sirius

Jason Louv is the author of Hyperworlds, Underworlds, The Angelic Reformation, Monsanto vs. the World and Queen Valentine, and the editor of Generation Hex, Ultraculture Journal and Thee Psychick Bible.

For the last fifteen years, Jason’s work has explored the outer reaches of human culture and possibility, through both science fiction and journalistic expeditions into some of the world’s strangest belief systems. His work shines with wit, compassion and an immense drive to share his enlightening experiences with his readers.

Ram Dass is one of the great spiritual teachers of our time. He is the very manifestation of love.

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  • Reply
    November 12, 2016 at 1:25 am

    You guys get kind of spooky around 1:10 (shiver). Look on the bright side! Death is coming for all of us some day. Let’s max it out in terms of heroic acts of compassion! However bad it gets, the show ends.

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